"This was a pertinent and touching piece of theatre because it
dealt with a topic we all grapple with: a constant making sense of who
we are as the result of fragments of our memories and experiences. I
liked particularly the way we are merely a collage of imprints left on
our bodies, that is souls, struggling to make sense and desiring to find
hope." (audience, Glej, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
"It is so refreshing to watch a different style of performance which is not so theatrical, but more quiet and honest. The way
Che spoke to us as if we are in his living room was what carried
this piece and touched me directly." Jelka Brecelj (audience, Glej, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
"Interesting, different and it made me think. Loved
the projections and for a long time after contemplated all that is also
imprinted in me!". Katarina Hostar (audience, Glej, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
"At times a confession, at times therapy, at times a film- all these came together by a very powerful performance." (audience, Glej, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
"Awesome thought-provoking show" Neil D'Arcy-Jones (audience, entertainments reporter for the Colchester Gazette and Essex County Standard, Colchester Arts Centre)
"I really enjoyed the show last night, it was so compelling to watch..the precision alone was so intricate!" Catherine Pugh (audience, Colchester Arts Centre)
"A very tight show. Ideal for Edinburgh!" Andrea and Tom Govan (audience, Colchester Arts Centre)
"The first day of summer was filled with new feelings and sensations that were awakened by Nostalgia2012. This performance touched something deep down in me and I really felt I was coacting with Che... trying to find my own answers to the same question 'what makes me who I am...'. It was a tour in memories, where music by PortMone helped to find a way...I am very grateful to Che Kevlin and Port Mone for this extraordinary emotional experience! Waiting to see You in Kyiv again!" Iryna Kritsak (audience, VIZII Festival: Kyiv Fortress, Ukraine)
"The performance was absolutely marvelous due to the highest quality combination of action and music superbly presented." Elena Bortnichuk (audience, VIZII Festival: Kyiv Fortress, Ukraine)